Päritolu: Eesti (Tallinn)
Taara: Klaas 0,33L
Alkohol: 6,6%
Algvirde tihedus: pole antud
Tüüp: Abby dubbel(Ratebeer)
Hind: 1.50€ (pant hinna sees)
Eelhäälestus: Seni on Hõlu skoor positiive poole peal. Abby ootan huviga.
Värvus: punakaspruun
EBC: ?
Vaht: Puudub.
IBU: ?
Maitse: Hmm, täitsa mõnus, aga pole see miss mulle isiklikult abbyga seostub. Selline tugevalt viljane ja karamelline. Jah see rukis siin annab omad varjundid ja mingit puuvilja viskab ka sekka. Täiesti mõnus õlleke. Ütleksin et keskmise veidi täidlusele kalduva kehaga. Muide ma ise liigitaks ta pigem kuhugi brown ale rea peale. Maitsev õlu igal juhul.
Kokkuvõte: Veel üks maitsev Hõlu-õlu. Pudel liigitab ta Belgian Dubbel, ratebeer Abby dubbel aga mina paneks ta pigem brown aleks, aga joodav ta on. Hinne 4.
Huvitav fakt: Hetkel ei leidugi
Pudelil selline tekst: "A Belgian Dubbel with spicy yeast and bready rye flavor"
"The Trappist monks of Belgium work tirelessly in their effort to make beer to sell so that they might pay for the upkeep of their churches. To them, beer created by the hands of monks and imbibed through the lips of humankind is a holy thing. We chose to name this twist on a classic Belgian dubbel after the famous album by John Coltrane, who believed music was holy as well. Music, created by the hands of humankind and exits our lips. Haven’t you ever noticed how drinking beer often inspires one to sing? These two things are unique to our species, and what make us human. We hope you drink our beer and make music. Both are holy, and we hope both will fill you with a Love Supreme."
Tootja infot: www.holu.ee
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