Päritolu: Eesti (Tallinn)
Taara: Klaas 0,33L
Alkohol: 4,5%
Algvirde tihedus: pole antud
Tüüp: Belgian ALE
Hind: 1.50€ (pant hinna sees)
Eelhäälestus: Hõlu on küllaltki usaldusväärseks kujunenud.
Värvus: Kuldne
EBC: ?
Vaht: Puudub.
IBU: ?
Maitse: Hmm. Kuidagi pärmine ja väga madala karboniseeritusega. Küllaltki kahtlust tekitav. Juua kannatab, aga tekib kahtlus nagu oleks kork lekkinud. sama CO tuli avades sealt välja küll. Ei noh kuidagi lahjaldane ja pärmine. Ilmselt see pärmine peaks olema fruity. Pigem kannatatav jook.
Kokkuvõte: See oli küll jälle mingi imelik asi Hõlu tootevalikust. Nagu lahtund lahja õllekene. Hinne 2.
Huvitav fakt: Nii gaasitut õlut polegi ammu saanud.
Pudelil selline tekst: "A light, drinkable, and teasingly fruity session tripel."
"Her presence is graceful, magnificent, and larger than life. This is The Sinner Lady, a dancing beauty who takes the center of the stage and holds your attention. Though she seems small, her presence is enormous. She weaves back and forth like a butterfly and it’s impossible to look away. You smell a bouquet of flowers and ripe fruit. Is it her perfume? Perhaps it’s our session tripel, named after half of the seminal third stream jazz ballet composed by Charles Mingus. But where is her dance partner, the Black Saint? He will enter the stage shortly. Meanwhile, the Sinner Lady will tantalize you with her presence, which becomes more powerful by the moment despite her diminutive size."
Tootja infot: www.holu.ee
NR. 500!!!
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